Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Jacqueline de Castro Martins Ferreira Silveira

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Jacqueline de Castro Martins Ferreira Silveira
DATE: 20/06/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Google Meet

“Girls, women and elderly: a hunt for the films that present images of the feminine in cinema produced for childhood”



PAGES: 125
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The objective of the research, the result of my hunts as a researcher-cartographer-hunter,
is to analyze the films that have been produced for children in the last 7 years (2015-2021)
that convey images of girls, women and elderly women. Hunting for images of the
feminine in films, I invent ways to relate to what I find, understanding that they are
cultural products that teach ways of being and circulate values, ways of being in the world.
Using cartography as a methodological inspiration, I found a total of one hundred and
twenty four films in this journey. They were organized in a chart, also thinking of a place
of generosity for the possibility of establishing traces of a distribution of films - be they
national, American, Spanish, Pakistani, etc. So far, we have found some results listed
here: 1) the consideration that, in the most recent animations and films, especially the
Fairy Tales films, modifications and destabilization have been carried out in the
presentations of femininity, presenting women who are more independent and stronger
than women. classic characters, 2) the plurality of female(s) and the problematization of
femininity, 3) The love relationship with the man as the central narrative of
cinematographic works 4) The female role as support and aid to male characters 5) the
presentation of relationships between generations of girls, women and elderly people, 6)
the subtlety of films as a power of imagination and creation and, finally, 7) the
denouncement of the association established between feminine and motherhood. It is
important to emphasize that these seven (7) aspects are not built in isolation and, in this
sense, they are articulated with each other. Thus, when looking at this variety of films,
we aim at the manifestation of pluralities and singularities of feminism(s) and the
coexistence between generations.

Presidente - 1999919 - GIOVANA SCARELI
Externa à Instituição - ANDREA CRISTINA VERSUTI - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/05/2023 16:34
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