Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/06/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência
The inclusion of the family in the support institution for people with disabilities: the perspectives of mothers of assisted children.

Child; Family; Disabled people; Social inclusion; Mother-Child Relationships; Qualitative Research.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem
Introduction: Currently, the care and education of children and with disabilities, in Brazil
and in the world, is a matter of extreme priority. Epidemiological information on this
population contingent with disabilities is still scarce worldwide. In this context of education
and care for children and with disabilities, family inclusion in the monitoring of educational
and health institutions is essential. This demonstrates, in practice, the importance of this
understanding for a better development of the teams' work with these families, as an
understanding and awareness is necessary for the permanence and effective participation of
this family in this follow-up. In this way, understanding the overloads that the family has can
contribute to having the presence and more active participation of the family member in the
follow-up and in the institution. Objective: to understand, from the maternal perspective, the
inclusion of the family in a philanthropic institution that serves children and with intellectual
and multiple disabilities and autism spectrum disorders in the city of Divinópolis/Minas
Gerais. Method: This is a qualitative study, based on phenomenology and some philosophical
conceptions of Martin Heidegger. Data were collected by the main author of the study from
June to September 2023 through individual interviews with five mothers who agreed to
participate in the study. A semi-structured script authored by the researchers themselves was
used. Results: The obtained data were organized and allowed the construction of three
categories: 1) The inclusion of the family in the institution; 2) The relationship between
mothers and professionals; and 3) Challenge of the caring and working mother. For mothers,
the institution is considered important because it already includes families in the specialized
services offered, thus allowing them to help them in the long term, in a joint work between
family and institution professionals (in which the care oriented in the institution is developed
at home), aiming at find out what are the real potentials and limitations of children and . In the
relationship with professionals, mothers emphasize the importance of this contact to improve
the neuropsychomotor development of those assisted and thus their clinical condition,
promote continuity of stimuli and care at home, better understand the diagnosis, know how to
deal with the child and motivate the involvement of the family with the treatment. Finally,
from the maternal perspective, there is the challenge of being a caregiver and worker, about
her repressed feelings in relation to her professional fulfillment and having her financial
autonomy. For these mothers, this is difficult, and can often lead to the appearance of
symptoms of emotional distress and moments of reflection that culminate in doubts and
questions. Conclusion: The unveiling of the phenomenon indicates an essential revision
regarding the meaning of the institution's activities. Much more than guiding, encouraging
and caring for these children and , the focus must also be on women-mothers. In order for the
inclusion of this family to occur in the treatment, it is fundamental to discuss gender and
shared care with other potential family members/caregivers, these are central points to face
the reduction of the singular space as a subject of these women-mothers.

Presidente - 1264193 - ALISSON ARAUJO
Interna - 1475791 - PATRICIA PINTO BRAGA
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/06/2023 09:29
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