Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 18/07/2022
TIME: 13:30
LOCAL: Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei - Campus Dom Bosco

Bathymetric distribution of elasmobranch in the Arraial do Cabo Extractive Marine Reserve 


demersal elasmobranchs, bathymetry, ecology, environment variables

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Ecologia

Elasmobranchs have a circumglobal distribution, presenting a greater diversity of coastal marine species with an increase in richness and diversity with increasing latitude and depth. Currently, the biggest threat to the group is overfishing. Species distribution studies are important to identify the conservation plans of an area and also to provide information about the biology and ecology of the studied species. This work sought to evaluate, based on scientific fishing data carried out in the period 1985-1988 in the Arraial do Cabo Extractive Reserve (Resexmar-AC) located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the relationship between environmental variables (depth, temperature, salinity and ambitiously studied) and what patterns of resource distribution are involved and also what temporal processes are involved. Two hypotheses about the distribution of the fauna sampled in the tested region were the temperatures: the lowest and highest depths have the highest abundance of elasmochios; a positive and inverse relationship between body size and weight with depth would be observed. An analysis of the total number of trawls, previously 4 out of 30, from approximately 30, from depth to 60 m depth shown, by the total average trawl (CPUE was approximately 4 (ind.)/drag, with the maximum value of capture was 3 individuals/trawl7 in Jun./1988 at 45 m and the minimum value was 0 individuals/drag. ind./trawl at 45 m and 1 ind./trawl at 60 m. Z. brevirostris and R. agassizii were the most abundant species. In a total of females of 43 elasmobranchs, a total of 2 (total abundance of 52% were females) ).The abundance of elasmobranchs are females with depth – 34%; 45.7 m – 2.3%), and the same occurred for males, and 60 m – 2.3%), and the same occurred for males (p < 0.05). Larger, larger-water elasmembranes have always been more abundant in warmer waters. Through multivariate analysis evaluating the composition of youth and adults in the Mobranqui community; ), the determined (OD: mg/L formation) and salinity (S: ppm) and the months of the year and the, based on the result of the Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient was > 0.9, there were two groups of elasmobranchs. The first compound composed by Z. brevirostries and R. agasizii, by less numerous by A. cyclophora, Aelnaui, A. platana and B. platana and B. was influenced by variations of variations, salinity, promoted and more recent months. year. The group with greater influence of the abundance of A. sampled that other models were captured from smaller elasmobranchs cyclophorram with increasing depth in Resexmar-AC, although the patterns observed were observed in the evaluation of the species (Psammobatis sp. and A. cycloa). The depth was a variable that most influenced the distribution of the time of the total sampling of the elasmobranchs (phases in relation to the information of year, seasonality, season and collections) no study. Z. brevirostris were more abundant in the winter and less abundant in the spring, and in the opposite direction they occurred with A. cyclophora (more abundant in the winter and less abundant in the winter). The phases of collection control the expansion of captures of Psammobatis sp. at the time of the study. Females were more abundant at all depths. The abundances of males and females decreased with increasing depth. Elasmobranchs of greater length a (CT) and of greater masses were more abundant in shallower and warmer waters. Environmental variables (OD:Trostris and R. agassiz) and months: calculated salinity (S: salinity) and months of the year of increased abundance can influence Z. agassiz and R. agassiz adults and large increases have decreased with increasing decrease in this in-depth study.

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