Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Edmar Augusto de Lima Silva

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Edmar Augusto de Lima Silva
DATE: 06/09/2022
TIME: 14:30

You, impossibly dead: without you and always with you –- the construction of the self/other in Morreste-me


Self writings; Portuguese Literature; Autofiction; Father Figure; Jose Luis Peixoto

BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Teoria Literária

In Morreste-me (2015), the son reveals in the first lines of the book: “I returned today to this now cruel land. Our land, father. And everything as if it continued.” (PEIXOTO, 2015, p. 7, my translation). The first literary work of the Portuguese author José Luís Peixoto, object of study of this dissertation, shows us the return and arrival of a son to his old house in an attempt to deal with the death of his father. Alternating between the present and the past, the lyrical speaker seeks a dialogue with the father, calling him throughout the book and confessing his pain. However, the emptiness of the house and yard and the objects left by the father are indicators of the impossibility of finding him again. Peixoto, like the lyrical speaker of the book, also lost his father to a cruel illness, and through writing he transfigured his pain into a text that resembles a letter addressed to his father. However, the author decides to remain hidden in the text, revealing only indications of his presence in some passages, but he does not admit his indentity in fact. Therefore, we think his book in a contemporary literary scenario, in which the limits of biographical area have been increasingly explored. Precisely, in our section “The adventure of language”, we will dialogue with the research related to the areas of autobiography and autofiction made by Beatriz Sarlo (2007), Philippe Lejeune (2008), Philippe Gasparini (2014), Vincent Colonna (2014) and Anna Faedrich (2016).

Externo à Instituição - DÊNIS LEANDRO FRANCISCO
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/09/2022 08:44
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