UFSJ › SIGAA - Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas São João del-Rei, 19 de Abril de 2024

rafael sachetto oliveira


Produção Intelectual

Artigos (19)

  • 2022, Albert Dasí, Adit Roy, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Blanca Rodriguez , In-silico drug trials for precision medicine in atrial fibrillation: From ionic mechanisms to electrocardiogram-based predictions in structurally-healthy human atria, ISSN: 1664042X
  • 2022, Carolina Ribeiro Xavier, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Vinicius da Fonseca Vieira, Bernardo Martins Rocha, Ruy Freitas Reis, Bárbara de Melo Quintela, Marcelo Lobosco, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos , Timing the race of vaccination, new variants, and relaxing restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic, ISSN: 18777503
  • 2022, RIBEIRO XAVIER, CAROLINA, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, DA FONSECA VIEIRA, VINÍCIUS, Lobosco, Marcelo, WEBER DOS SANTOS, RODRIGO , Characterisation of Omicron Variant during COVID-19 Pandemic and the Impact of Vaccination, Transmission Rate, Mortality, and Reinfection in South Africa, Germany, and Brazil, ISSN: 26736284
  • 2022, Raissa Graciano, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, SANTOS, ISLLAS MIGUEL DOS, Gabriel de M. Yazbeck , Genomic resources for Salminus brasiliensis, ISSN: 16648021
  • 2021, POURANBARANI, ELNAZ, BERG, LUCAS ARANTES, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, WEBER DOS SANTOS, RODRIGO, NYGREN, ANDERS , Calibration of single-cell model parameters based on membrane resistance improves the accuracy of cardiac tissue simulations, ISSN: 18777503
  • 2021, SANTOS, ROSIANE P., MELO, BRUNO F., YAZBECK, GABRIEL M., Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, HILÁRIO, HERON O., PROSDOCIMI, FRANCISCO, CARVALHO, DANIEL C. , Diversification of in the eastern Brazilian Shield: Evidence from complete mitochondrial genomes (Teleostei, Prochilodontidae), ISSN: 14390469
  • 2021, REIS, RUY FREITAS, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, QUINTELA, BÁRBARA DE MELO, CAMPOS, JOVENTINO DE OLIVEIRA, Gomes, Johnny Moreira, ROCHA, BERNARDO MARTINS, Lobosco, Marcelo, dos Santos, Rodrigo Weber , The Quixotic Task of Forecasting Peaks of COVID-19: Rather Focus on Forward and Backward Projections, ISSN: 22962565
  • 2020, Gomes, Johnny Moreira, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Lobosco, Marcelo, dos Santos, Rodrigo Weber , Adaptive-Step Methods for Markov-Based Membrane Models, ISSN: 10075704
  • 2020, Brodie A. J. Lawson, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Lucas A. Berg, Pedro A. A. Silva, Kevin Burrage, dos Santos, Rodrigo W. , Variability in electrophysiological properties and conducting obstacles controls re-entry risk in heterogeneous ischaemic tissue, ISSN: 1364503X
  • 2018, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Alonso, Sergio, Fernando Otaviano Campos, Bernardo Martins Rocha, João Filipe Fernandes, Titus Kuehne, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos , Ectopic beats arise from micro-reentries near infarct regions in simulations of a patient-specific heart model, ISSN: 20452322
  • 2018, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Alonso, Sergio, dos Santos, Rodrigo Weber , Killing Many Birds With Two Stones: Hypoxia and Fibrosis Can Generate Ectopic Beats in a Human Ventricular Model, ISSN: 1664042X
  • 2018, Gabriel de M. Yazbeck, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, José Mauro Ribeiro, Raissa Graciano, Rosiane Santos, Fausto Moreira da Silva Carmo, Dominique Lavenier , A broad genomic panel of microsatellite loci from Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes: Bryconidae) an endangered migratory Neotropical fish, ISSN: 20452322
  • 2017, DE OLIVEIRA, LEISE KELLI, ALVES ABREU, BÁRBARA RIBEIRO, LESSA, DANIELA ANTUNES, ALVES BARBOSA, ISADORA, FERES CARVALHO, DÁRLINTON BARBOSA, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, REIOLI, ELDER CIRILO , Evaluate of collaborative transit system to urban goods delivery: an exploratory study in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), ISSN: 23521465
  • 2017, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Bernardo Martins Rocha, Denise Burgarelli, Wagner Meira Junior, Christakis Constantinides, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos , Performance evaluation of GPU parallelization, space-time adaptive algorithms and their combination for simulating cardiac electrophysiology, ISSN: 20407939
  • 2016, CAMPOS, J.O., Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, DOS SANTOS, R.W., ROCHA, B.M. , Lattice Boltzmann method for parallel simulations of cardiac electrophysiology using GPUs, ISSN: 03770427
  • 2014, YAZBECK, GABRIEL DE MENEZES, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, RIBEIRO, JOSÉ MAURO, CARMO, FAUSTO MOREIRA DA SILVA, CARVALHO, MILENE BARBOSA , First complete mitochondrial genome for any anostomid fish: Leporinus piavussu , a recently described piracema species, ISSN: 19401736
  • 2012, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Bernardo Martins Rocha, Denise Burgarelli, Wagner Meira Junior, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos , A parallel accelerated adaptive mesh algorithm for the solution of electrical models of the heart, ISSN: 17516528
  • 2012, Bruno Gouvêa de Barros, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Marcelo Lobosco, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos, Wagner Meira Junior , Simulations of Complex and Microscopic Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology Powered by Multi-GPU Platforms, ISSN: 1748670X
  • 2009, Carolina Ribeiro Xavier, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Vinicius da Fonseca Vieira, Wagner Meira Junior, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos , Multi-level Parallelism for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations, ISSN: 08857458

Participações em Bancas de Cursos (2)

  • 2022, Tese Doutorado Parallel Algorithms for Clustering, Subspace Clustering, and Projected Clustering on the GPU, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Christian Böhm, Peyman Afshani
  • 2022, Tese Doutorado Generation and Uncertainty Quantification of Patient-specific Purkinje network models, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos, Rafael Alves Bonfim de Queiroz, Elizabeth Maura Cherry, Bernardo Martins Rocha, Marcelo Lobosco, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Joakim Sundnes

Orientações de Pós-Graduação (8)

  • Mestrado, ALEXANDRE SILVA DE ALMEIDA, 08/2019 - 12/2020 , Concluída em 12/2020
  • Mestrado, ALEXANDRE SILVA DE ALMEIDA, 08/2019 - 12/2020 , Concluída em 12/2020
  • Mestrado, Ana Roberta Melo Nascimento, 08/2019 - , Concluída em 02/2023
  • Mestrado, Ana Roberta Melo Nascimento, 08/2019 - , Concluída em 02/2023
  • Mestrado, ÁLVARO GABRIEL AQUINO FELISMINO, 02/2023 - , Orientação em Andamento
  • Mestrado, UBIRAJARA CESARIO, 05/2021 - , Orientação em Andamento
  • Mestrado, UBIRAJARA CESARIO, 05/2021 - 10/2021 , Orientação em Andamento
  • Mestrado, DANIEL ABRAAO DE MELO, 09/2021 - 08/2022 , Orientação em Andamento

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